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quarta-feira, 1 de junho de 2011

There is no way to compare myself with someone else! Not at the moment.
I fell I´m looking for my own soul and destiny. I fell I should be alone right now. thinking and enjoying my decisions and realising what kind of person I am.
Every single time I try to imagine what is gonna happen in six months, and there´s only one thing coming through my mind: HOME.
I really did not want to fell like this, specially knowing there is someone else inside of my heart. But weird things keep happening all the time and some feelings that I never tried before are making me given up of make someone happy.
All the changes I leaved since I came to Dublin made me so much different than I use to be. Everything has changed. Every single detail became sweet and colourful to me.
I´m moving on more than ever, and it´s time to face the reality I´m living far away for long time. It´s time to go home.
But there´s still so many thing to do before that, so much to see, to fell. And it doesn´t matter, there´s is always a chance to reach our dreams, there´s always a side way we can follow.
I still have lots of time , amazing chances to keep the dream alive. I just need to keep going, looking what makes me really happy.
Another big step is coming very soon, and I´m preparing myself for that, not only body, but my mind as well. I fell already prepared, but is good to have such a rest from the usual life to reflect about what I´ve been doing this last years and finally get ready for all of this.
Never, but never give up of your dreams, even if no one else believe in you. Keep fighting for your happiness and for those things you believe.
Be happy is enough!

***Desculpe meu inglês "chulo" e mal escrito! Mas até que me sinto orgulhosa por ter tido coragem de escrever em inglês...realmente foi algo que eu estava sentindo no momento, e que mesmo se eu tivesse pensado em português, não teria sido tão sincero!

3 comentários:

Mr. Lemos disse...

Tem nada que desculpar... ficou ótimo. E, pelo visto, alguém mais vai deixar essa ilha em breve, né??
Boa sorte com tudo, sempre! bjo

Rafa Alarcon disse...

Parabens Flá! Eu sempre quis fazer um post em ingles mas ainda não tive coragem! Me sinto da mesma maneira sem pôr nem tirar. A necessidade de ir pra casa, mas a vontade de viver todas as coisas até lá!! um beijo!

Junior Aguiar disse...

Perfect Post...., me orgulho de vc , isso sim haah beijao....